The Ray School was the forerunner of the High Point School. Ray, a one-room school, built in the 1800's was located on a hill near where the present High Point Elementary School is located.
The original High Point School of Washington County, Virginia, opened in 1911. It was a two-room school building which served both as an elementary and a high school. This school was located approximately five miles from Bristol on King Mill Pike, about one mile from where the present High Point Elementary School is located. In 1960, a school census showed the High Point area to be one of the fastest growing districts in Southwest Virginia. A total of 491 pre-school and school-age children were reported.
The present High Point Elementary School, located about one mile off King Mill Pike, opened its doors to 540 students on January 18, 1965, instructing students in grades 1 through 7. In 1967, enrollment had grown to 990 students. To accommodate this increase inn student population, construction on a new addition began in September 1970. The project was completed in November 1971.
In 1975, the city of Bristol annexed many of High Point's students. As a result of the annexation, the school's enrollment decreased.
In 1991, Washington County schools adopted the "middle school concept". High Point Elementary School became a K through 5 school, accepting new students from the former Wallace Elementary which became one of the four county middle schools. In the late 1990s, the first special education preschool program was established at High Point Elementary. The first preschool for at-risk four-year-old children began in the fall of 2000.
High Point has had seven principals since 1965: Mr. Jim Gumm, 1964-1965: Mr. Guessner Musick, 1965-1989; Mr. Gary McCool, 1989-1998; Mrs. Judy Wilson, 1998-2000; Miss Patricia Sorah, 2000-2007; Ms. Ann Cunningham, 2007-2012; Dr. Sherry King, 2012-2021, Mrs. Jennifer O'Neill 2021-2024, and Mrs. Cynthia Jackson 2024-present
The VISION of High Point Elementary School is to ensure meaningful academic and social success for all students.
Our MISSION is to encourage and equip students to set and achieve their goals with the support of the High Point community.
“Bee-lieve and achieve.”