
Lynn Redman
Washington County is very fortunate to have a full time registered nurse at each elementary school. The school nurse is available during regular school hours. Some students with individual medical situations require assistance with their health care needs during the school day. The role of the school nurse is to learn of the individual’s needs, collaborate with parents/guardians, physicians, teachers, and other staff as needed to develop a healthcare plan for the school setting. Also, the school nurse assesses the student’s ability to remain in school or decide if a student’s illness / injury require that he or she be sent home or seek further medical treatment. The role expands from basic first aid and health assessment to major emergency preparedness.
Health information is considered confidential. It is my goal to maintain the integrity of such information, provide compassionate and competent care, and promote a healthy and safe environment for your student.
Nursing interventions are regulated by your student’s doctor’s orders or by our district policies. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide the school nurse with medical orders from your doctor as well as all medications and supplies that are required for your student. The school does not provide any medications or supplies other than some basic first aid and limited emergency supplies.
There are times that you should NOT send your child to school when you notice certain symptoms.
Please do not send your child to school if he/has:
Has vomited or had diarrhea several times the night before or once in the morning
Has a fever of 100 degrees or above
Has a rash that has not been diagnosed or is uncomfortable
Has itching, redness or pus draining from one or both eyes, not related to allergies
Is coughing uncontrollably or coughing up mucus
Has head lice or scabies that has not been treated
Call your physician if these symptoms last for more than 24 hours.
Print out your copy of this list below!
***Sick children are expected to be picked up from school promptly.
***Please provide emergency numbers and a list of persons who can pick up your child during the school day to the school.
Please feel free to call me, Nurse Redman, for any questions or concerns regarding your child at 739-3604.